Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Worst Thing Since Sliced Bread.

Those master bakers at Kingsmill have cashed in on fussy eaters now.
Bread without crusts, called “Crusts Away”. Have we all gone mad?

Why do we need this sort of product?
Parents are already up in arms about the diet of our children. So why is there still a market for fussy eaters.

One example is Big Brother’s Nikki Graham who had a major tantrum because she couldn’t have any bottled water. Apparently this is all she drinks.
I would like to see her try and survive anywhere on earth, besides suburbia.

If this sort of over marketing to children isn’t stopped there will be a whole generation that will not know the sound of rivers and the taste of real foods like fruits and vegetables.

Allied Bakeries owners of the Kingsmill brand has recently came under fire, by upsetting Elvis fans, with their “by Appointment to the king” adverts. But nothing can upset an Elvis fan like dying from gluttony.