Thursday, September 21, 2006

How Mike Saved Christmas.

There is now ONLY 89 shopping days left till Christmas.
So get yourselves out to the shops and buy some useless bit of gubbins for that special friend or relative that you don’t bother with for 364 days of the year.

Whether you like it or not you have to do this. If you don’t you’ll feel cheap. What happens if they buy you something you didn’t want or need this year. You know this because the same thoughts crept into your head last year.

Lets get something straight, as clearly most of the population of my country do not know this, but this is really irrelevant, as these same people would never read my blog.

Christmas day is the Christian festival that originates back to around two thousand years ago. Yes this is a geological blink of an eye, but some religious types feel that it holds some significance to them and we must bend over backwards to appease them at all costs.

Well apparently two thousand years ago a fourteen year old girl who got pregnant by a man that was not her husband. And told her husband an angel did it. Now I myself would search the village for this Gabriel with the intention of smashing his bones out.

Well after a little persuasion Mary travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey with her “Forest Gump” of a husband. Only to find out that they should have booked ahead, as there was no room in the inn. The innkeeper didn’t throw out one of his other customers and saying “Wait this woman is heavily pregnant and needs a bed.” No, he did the right thing and let the little chav sleep in the stable.

Amazingly three men arrived by coincidence, proclaiming that they were really wise or something, and gave the supposed son of the almighty material possessions such as gold, frankincense and the other thing, of which were of absolute no use to the Son of God, as he thinks he created them anyway. Really wise men you see.

Ever since this night a new faith has dominated the planet Christianity, and now because of the daft events of December 25th everyone buys everyone material gifts that mean nothing to the person receiving such items. And about a week before Christmas day people feel the need to cut down and kill an evergreen tree and bring it indoors out of its natural environment, to let it decompose in our lounge.

My advice is if you don’t believe in Christianity don’t celebrate Christmas.

If you are going to spend money on a gift make sure you care about the person enough to know that the gift will be useful.

Christmas day is celebrated on the 25th of December, not a day before.

Christmas is not spelled X-mas.

This is how Mike saved Christmas.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I started my own blog because I am angry at how bad the world is becoming and what sort of world that my generation will inherit.

I am an atheist. I won’t debate the ins and out of atheism, I will do this some other time, probably after the next terror attack or when George W Bush lets loose his Christian Crusade army on some poor unsuspecting Ex-friend of the United States.

Being an Atheist you might be prone to thinking that I lack faith and have no concept of religion whatsoever. You would be incredibly wrong, I have learnt about the customs and beliefs of most religions on the planet, in order to conclude to abstain from religion. In some cases I have known more about a person’s religion than someone who actively practices that faith.

As “faith” goes I have plenty of “faith”, as I believe that one day a sadder and wiser hominid will emerge from the rubble of our civilisation and it will have the experience not to let this happen again.

Ever since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. The world has had the so called luxury or a twenty-four hour society, where its occupants can travel where ever they like, do the things they want, and have modern living made easier by gadgets and gizmos.

We have all became addicts of consumerism, myself included. Everyone has had this society sold to him or her for a tidy profit, and we have had no choice about it. Ever since we were born we have been told what products companies make and why we need to spend money on it. A form of taxation if you want to go that far.

I don’t believe that consumers are deceived, by these faceless corporate entities that have the same basic rights as a human except with the added bonus of being immortal, and infallible. I do believe however that, they are seducing us, the way that a magician uses slight of hand in an illusion. So I believe that it is our fault we let them seduce us.

We all have free will, we all have the choice to buy or not to buy, and we need to decide whether we need weetabix with raisins or if we can buy them separately. What ever happened to just the butcher, baker and candlestick maker?

If one day it gets to the stage where we HAVE to buy bottled water from a supermarket,
Someone please do the honest and right thing and ask “Why what’s wrong with the river?”

I can tell you what happened to the river, our river. Its full of our effluent and detritus that we have expelled as easily as it came into our lives, I doubt Mac Donald’s actually litters my home town with empty boxes and cartons, but I know the consumers of such products do.

It’s a fact Climate change is happening, whether by our hand, or by Gaia just waking up. It should not be up to the governments of the worlds to instigate change; it should be up to you, them, and me. as we have caused the problems, by our greed and ignorance. A government cannot possibly legislate all of us now. We are too numerous, too unpredictable and fickle all at the same time.

My parent’s generation is only just noticing the mistakes it has made by seeing the rise in heart disease and obesity. This is because parents of today are greedy and they don’t look after their children because they want to go back to work, to get money and have nice things.

Instead children have relied on television as a babysitter and their sole educators. They are fed convenience food, as “mother” has forgotten how to cook or is too busy with her laptop to notice that her child weighs the same as her and it is only ten. It has also been said that children of today will be the first generation that will die before their parents. Being a cornucopian as well as an atheist, I would just put this down to experience.

Two days ago a self confessed brand addict burnt all his branded goods for the media to see, it didn’t work, looters swept in to the scene and took what ever was left that looked of any worth.

This tidily brings me back to my faith. As I know this blog will fall upon deaf ears.
But it doesn’t matter because we are all under the illusion that we need food to live, and so therefore we need money to buy it, so we work for the money, but we buy the cheapest food as then we can buy more. A cycle of greed you see.

And one day when that hominid emerges, it will look at the rocks that we once walked on, just as geologists do today and it would wonder and theorise about the end of the Holocene.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Idiots and thier slush puppies.

Last night I spent about 10 minutes waiting at a bar trying to get served.
It appeared to be the only place in Leicestershire that you could wave money around and not have it taken off you.

I finally found my place at the bar after the Topshop Army had finished having some icey juice drink made in front of them that took five minutes to make, and all of 20 seconds for them to neck it.

Then I found that girls (who have yet to understand the concept of buying rounds)were getting served ahead of me, even one bastard that knew I was next and still took advantage of the barmans stupidity.

livid I turned on my heels having not bought drinks.
I refuse to go in "Fat Cats" again.

My conclusion that the General population have had manners diluted by years of commerce and the ignorant belief that they have more rights than anyone else.