Whatever deity you follow. Please for their sake shut up about Muslims.
For the past five years at least every day every human on the globe who has contact with the mainstream media has heard news about the Islamic community. Good news about Muslims, bad news about Muslims. The Muslim council of Great Britain has condoned this act by the government, and so on and so forth.
All this since a day, a day, which didn’t exist before 2001 and hasn’t existed since, its name is September the 11th, or 9/11 as it is sometimes called.
No matter what year it is, September the 11th only occurred in 2001. Ceremonies and media lead mourning occurs on the day that falls between the 10th and the 12th of September every year since.
What happened on this day was a terrible thing, and if you don’t know what happened on the day the world changed here is the simple version. As the CNN’s and Sky News’ of the world has filled our heads with misinformation for the past five years.
Pre September 11th (2001) the United States of America had begun to fear radical Islamists and begun to spin lies that these guerrilla fighters were actually organised, and begun to draw diagrams showing who was in contact with who. In truth they were not. The arms dealers they used only linked them together. Which is like myself having links to your family because we both shop at Sainsbury’s.
To give this web of fear a credible name they used an Arabic translation for “the base”.
Al Qaeda is its name, and perhaps you have heard of them.
Then a small band of radicalised Muslims, disconcerted with the western world’s ideals about greed and consumerism, decided to hijack multiple passenger airliners and flew them into one of the greatest symbols of capitalist power and wealth in America the twin towers of the world trade centre and the pentagon.
Thousands of people died that day some from natural causes miles away from the target areas and are completely unconnected to the attacks. I won’t refer to the victims in the planes and the buildings innocent people, as I didn’t know anyone of them. It is how I stay impartial; because the pilots of the aircrafts thought that they were not innocent otherwise they would have chosen another target.
George W. Bush accused Al Qaeda of this act and that Osama Bin Laden was the main mastermind behind the attacks. And claimed that these terrorists have no boarders or countries.
So five years, and two countries left in ruins later. Osama Bin Laden is still at large but Saddam Hussein will now hang, for a completely unrelated incident. And Guerrilla freedom fighting groups in the Middle East have organised and united under the banner of Al Qaeda for real this time.
Ever since this day every Non Muslim has feared Muslims and every Muslim has feared the Radical Muslims and the western world’s suspicion.
I have gotten sick of medias view of the events, I refuse to live in fear. I want to know the facts.
July 2005. The inevitable happened. Radical Muslims attack Great Britain in a carefully timed suicide bomb attack on London’s public transport infrastructure. And now a new day to speak of. 7/7. Apparently like September 11th, July 7th didn’t exist before 2005 either. But still lets press on.
The perpetrators claimed to be in retaliation to our own Prime Minister’s actions in the invasion of Iraq, which is understandable, as more people had been killed in Iraq since 2002, than multiple 9/11 attacks. But still I don’t condone their actions either.
The police with egg on their face as they failed to protect and serve their tax paying public, now had itchy trigger fingers.
Literally days later a Brazilian man, who’s name no one in the media can pronounce even to this day, was mistakenly gunned down at a London station by police and tried to lie to cover up their blunder the truth came out soon later. Including how they tried to resuscitate a man who had been shot multiple times in the head, a man who they thought was another suicide bomber.
Recently government member Jack Straw, caused conflict when he said that he want Muslim women to remove their shrouds, this caused a media storm.
I don’t know why, because this is a non-debate. As no one is going to ban the use of headscarves so why even talk about whether Muslim women should be allowed to wear them or not. All that occurred was tabloids planting seeds into the tiny minds of its readers. Making them discuss the subject, and showing how racist the British
Public still can be. This doesn’t help the racial tensions at all.
Jack Straw should have been sacked for wasting police time, as now there is more fear and racial hatred in Great Britain, and there is more potential for another terrorist attack on our soil.
I had only just left School when September 11th occurred; I was let out into the world away from full time education, with a head full of idealism and bright image for my own future. Then it happened. And I was showed that the world is full of people who want to hurt and kill for their ideals, from that day I decided to abstain from all religions, as it caused so much hurt, and I decided to live my life as right as my heart told me. As I have said in previous posts
“Life can be difficult sometimes, I don’t pretend that it is easy, but a person who bases their decisions on logic and ethics has made up their mind on at least 99% of the decisions already.”
Please don’t pander to a religious group or fear them. We should stop referring to good and bad Muslims the same as we don’t refer to good and bad Christians if we all use terminology like good or bad people, then we can all have a clear basis and role models to learn from and we can all be better people.
My final word on the matter.
Love everyone, not equally but individually.